If you are using ChatGPT, you need THE CHATGPT COPY/PASTE PLAYBOOK

ChatGPT is one of the most powerful, innovative tools to help business owners and digital marketers create amazing outputs while saving SO MUCH TIME. It gives you an edge-up on competition, can become your creative partner or virtual assistant (for FREE), and can assist you with marketing strategy.... BUT ONLY IF YOU OPTIMIZE ITS CAPABILITIES & USE IT CORRECTLY.

You see, what you put IN to ChatGPT (in terms of quality backend info, training, prompts, troubleshooting, and corrections), is exactly what you get OUT of ChatGPT!

This is where many business owners make the mistake; they utilize ChatGPT without the proper knowledge of how to leverage the tool, for the best results. I'm sure you've seen it, where you can 'just tell' that certain text was written by an AI tool. Don't let this be you!

In this 25+ page playbook, I show you the exact steps you should take to make ChatGPT your TRUSTED creative partner and ally, in all things business, content and copy.

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☑️ How to TRAIN ChatGPT before use (within minutes), using a CONTENT BLUEPRINT, so it understands your business, brand, target audience, and goals

☑️ Align ChatGPT to your business so it can help you write amazing content, copy, reels captions, emails, blogs, all in YOUR OWN VOICE, TONE, and STYLE

☑️ How to prompt ChatGPT to help you with DIGITAL PRODUCT IDEAS, for solutions that are actually needed by your target audience

☑️ Allow ChatGPT to create the perfect HASHTAGS and SEO KEYWORDS for your created content

☑️ How to use ChatGPT in a strategic way, to develop your 'IDEAL CLIENT' INSIGHTS, pain points, and use that to craft solutions that you can provide

☑️ Have ChatGPT REPURPOSE YOUR EXISTING CONTENT, to save you time reinventing the wheel

☑️ Watch ChatGPT help you create engaging, emotional, and purchase-triggering STORYTELLING CONTENT

☑️ Uncover the 5 POWERFUL SECRETS to easing any ChatGPT frustration

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